Informational / Educational Website

Doubling traffic to over 75,000 monthly users

The challenge

The website already had around 40,000 monthly users, but not many keywords ranking in top 3 positions:

●They were updating the content but that wasn’t helping them rank better
●The users weren’t returning as often as they would have liked

This is an informational and educational website which mostly makes its revenue from contextual ads. They had already become one of the most popular websites in their market, but it wasn’t enough, since many of the keywords still weren’t ranking in top 3 positions. Since in addition to being an informational website they are also an educational website they have significant seasonal decline during summer holidays.

Fortunately, they came to us in May 2022, just before the annual decline started and we could start planning and implementing necessary changes.

They had already been focused on updating the content, but it wasn’t helping them improve their positions. The second issue was that even if the users ended up on the website, they weren’t keen on returning.

That’s when we sat behind the table (remotely, of course) and suggested our solution.

The tactics

Our first step was to analyze their strengths and weaknesses. We decided to focus on three areas of analysis:

●On-page content

Keywords would give us an idea of what information they were already providing and also what was ranking well, and what wasn’t. Additional keyword research helped us find more relevant keywords that would improve their topical authority and make on-page content more authoritative.

On-page content analysis showed us if their pages covered everything on the topics they were targeting, and where they lacked. For many pages we added additional relevant content as well as added FAQs with structured data.

Finally, looking at their competitors gave us specific insights into what made them better, and we could make recommendations accordingly.

In addition to these three main areas, we also consulted on technical issues, internal linking, link building opportunities, as well as further content creation.

Our main tasks took the whole three summer months to get done, and we’re happy that we started seeing results as soon as the season picked back up.

The results

Let’s compare — May of 2022 to 2023.

Or, in one graph:

As you can see the organic traffic started to stagnate and go sideways during March-April 2022, but after implementing the suggested changes during the summer period it picked back up again with new strength.

Even without our active engagement (we’re currently consulting on strategy) they are seeing continued growth and better visitor and revenue numbers every month.