Adult Live Webcam Site

From 0 to 11,000 visitors per month

The challenge

Among the various projects Serphead has worked on, this is one of the most challenging.

The client is an adult live-streaming website that is up against tough competition. Believe it or not, the adult industry is a very saturated niche. Known brands and newcomers are fiercely vying for the users’ attention. The whole industry is taboo which also limits visibility in search engine results.

The adult live-streaming website was fully launched in August 2022 and had very few backlinks and content. Like all new websites, the client was still in the “sandbox period” in which algorithms temporarily filter new domains from appearing in search results.

These factors negatively affected the website’s position in search results. The client got fewer visitors than expected and that’s when the client reached out to us at Serphead in December 2022.

The tactics

As tough competition forces adult websites to take risky SEO strategies, we decided to do the opposite and devise a conservative approach for the client. Tactics that are focused on fundamentals.

The first order of business was to conduct a comprehensive analysis to identify areas for improvement. What we found was quite troubling:

● Dynamic URLs with no clear structure
● Duplicate pages
● Almost no usage of on-site optimization tactics
● Keywords weren’t utilized in the content and metadata
● Numerous broken links and unresponsive pages
● Navigation and internal links were in JavaScript making them almost invisible to crawlers

These technical issues made it difficult for search engine bots to index the website thus impeding good positions in search results.

To solve these problems, we worked closely with the client to:

● Reorganize the URLs and make them static
● Fix the technical issues that were causing URL duplication
● Implement server-side rendering to serve easily crawlable HTML versions of the pages
● Update all internal and navigation links
● Optimize the content to include keywords relevant to specific pages

An in-depth research was also carried out to determine the relevant keywords to be used in page copies, title tags, headings, and meta descriptions.

The popularity of live cam websites grew massively over recent years thus resulting in fierce competition. New websites have a weak chance of appearing in search results for major keywords and that’s why we advised the client to focus on niche and long-tail keywords. Users actually do search for specific keywords and they are easier to start ranking for so it’s a win-win to target them.

The results

It was no walk in the park and it took a few months to fully optimize the website. It was all worth it as the results were outstanding.

The adult live-streaming website finally started appearing in search results once the initial fixes were done. Further fixes helped boost organic visibility and resulted in niche-relevant visitors flooding the adult live-streaming website.